Friday, September 08, 2006

The house warming party was a HUGE success! Good times were had by all. We would like to congratulate Nolan Hubbard who was the winner of the role in Donna on Demand. Nolan worked hard to win this role so everyone please wish him well.
One other big announcement is Kyle and Dom are getting married! So come back to Kipling for their wedding next year.
I hope that everyone who came to Kipling had a wonderful time!
If you would like to see photos of the event please visit Kyle's site at

Friday, September 01, 2006

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is the big start to Saskatchewan's biggest house party ever! We have had people pulling into town since Wednesday night.

Just a reminder that when you get into Kipling please go to the visitor centre on the corner of 6th ave and main street. There you can get all the information you need for the weekend.

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