Sunday, October 28, 2007

A New Beginning

Hello everyone!

It is a new beginning for SaskatchewFUN!

Just over a year has passed since "Saskatchewan's Biggest Housewarming Party Ever!" in Kipling. Kyle MacDonald, the Red Paperclip Guy has a great new book about his whole adventure. The spirit of that event has continued in our province and many more fun events have taken place. Saskatchewan has thousands of fun activities each year and of course there are the one time or rare events such as, the Rolling Stones Concert in Regina, The RCMP Musical Ride performing all over the province and even another Top 12 Finalist on Canadian Idol, Matt Rapley. One of the best upcoming events for sports fans is of course the Saskatchewan RoughRiders Home Playoff Game, hosting the Western Semi Final of the CFL.

This blog will attempt to tie together as many events as possible in Saskatchewan. The goal is to make it a great information source for our great province. Imagine a blog that focuses on the best the province has to offer for things to do in Saskatchewan. We want you to tell us about your experiences and the events you take part in. Tell us what is happening in your community or with your organization. We want to show the world our brand of fun - SaskatchewFUN!

This summer, the intention to open a new museum was announced in Estevan. This museum is the first of its kind in North America and a Toronto based production company has already featured it in their new series "TV Made Me Do It". The show will air on TVTropolis in early 2008. Check out the museum at and for further information go to

And Remember to check back often for FUN Saskatchewan videos like this.

Now That is what I call SaskatchewFUN!

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